New to Bitcoin?
1. Step is to get a trusted Wallet and a safe place to trade BTC/$ or BTC/Money.
If you interested in Bitcoin & Crypto and want to explore deeper I would recommend a good start to begin is CEX
– Account is Free.
– Free Wallets for different Crypto.
– Multiple Trading options.
– Free Stalking (Interest on your coins).
– Reasonable fee for withdrawal.

I 100% recommend this Website, i been using it for 10 years plus. Even during the rough storms this is the only site i trust and as you can check by yourself its still standing as a rock. The correct word is maybe a mountain. This Webiste started as a Bitcoin Mining company, then changed into a Crypto Trading platform. This guys are honest and 100% trusted. and even more important, they are awesome at their job in security and computer/tech stuff.
Trust nobody else, sign up for FREE Start making money from trading or just Stalking (Hodling). *Hodling is a term that means hold your coins and earn on interest by just holding them in your Wallet.

– FREE Lottery Win $200 of BTC every hour + Faucet FREE BTC every hour: FreeBitcoin

Been a while, hodl on guys. Last time we took a huge lose, we all gonna need to be more careful and spend twice the time choosing the right and trustworthy sites now. As Bitcoin rises there will be scam sites popping up daily. I been into Bitcoin since day one, so its hard for me to open my computer and start looking for trust where there is hard to trust anyone. As you guys know, i will only add like quality websites on this list. Qualification rules are as follwed:
(Websites need to qualify for this specific terms to get on the list:)
1. Been trustworthy more than 5 years +,
2. I need to actually have tested the service.
3. Good recommendations. No bad reviews.
– We have 7 others important steps for the check list not listed publicly.

Yeah, i control the Bitcoin Market now. Took me 20 years. But its time to sort it out.
– Good sites will be added to this list as favorite in the correct order. 1 to 10.
– Bad sites will go into the Blacklist, sending all ip & adresses to any government. (Page/list will be up later for everyone to add any bad experience or share scam warnings). Together we are a team. There is only one way to do business. Be fair or you end up on the Blacklist for the rest of your life.

Top 10 Bitcoin:
This sites i trust, i tested them and i can 100% recommend them. Give me time to find them all. There is not many websites i trust, you can see my list aint even half full, but the once getting on this list. They are 100% Trustworthy.

Bitcoin MiningBitcoin TradingBitcoin Marketing
1. NiceHash1. Cex1. BitMedia
2. Hashing242. Changelly2. A-ads
3. YoBit3. YoBit3.
4. MiningRigRentals4. Gateio4.
5. ViaBtc5. 5.
6. 6. 6.
7. 7. 7.
8. 8. 8.
9. 9. 9.
10. 10. 10.
Bitcoin Other (Free stuff)Bitcoin StalkingBitcoin Buy/Sell
1. FreeBitCoin1. Cex1. Cex
2. YoBit2. Gateio2. Changelly
3. 3. 3.
Bitcoin WalletAir DropsTrading Bots
1. 1. YoBit1.

We restarting this page again.

Hodl on…